Site Update 05/05/2024. Updated the PC page to reflect changes to my PCs and added some of my newer ones! Have a lovely day everyone! Mika :D
Site Update 04/05/2024. Uploaded an actual photo of me as a 256 colour GIF! It's in my "About me" section! Happy Star Wars day everyone! Mika :D
Site Update 28/04/2024. Happy new year everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates, I got stuck in a bit of a rut mentally, but hopefully that's behind me now. The biggest update I have to date is the dedicated windows 98 PC is now up and running, and it is being used to create the next version of the site! I have obtaned about 20 old shovelware CD ROMs with early web graphics on which I am currently sorting through to give my site the look and feel of an older site, and I have found some old shareware WYSIWYG HTML editor which if nothing else, will provide some nice custom graphics! I was hoping to get more done this weekend than I did, but don't worry, I haven't forgot about you all! I'm also changing the text to a more Times New Roman like font because ariel was uncommon in the early days. Take care everyone! Mika :D
Site Update 28/12/2023. Wow aren't you lucky? A more substantial update is going on today! I have decided to spend today getting the framework in place for my full new site layout! This will be the last site update you'll see here, I am going to make a news section for my site. The master plan will be uploaded later today! Thank you all for your support and kind words over the past year :D
Site update 27/12/2023. Progress has been slow with my site. I recently started a new job and it will be very busy in the not too distant future. However I have been working on a lot of stuff in the background like writing a cooking section, a projects section, I got some period correct digital cameras to take real old style digital pictures as well as scanning in film photos when I get a chance to get them developed. I'm still weighing up the pros and cons of the paid version, the price isn't the issue, it's just how to pay for it, I would rather do it via paypal, though I don't think they allow for standing orders, but at the same time, I'd have to go to my bank in the closest city which is a bit of a nightmate especially with working throughout the week when the bank is only open certain times (They may as well call them Bank CLOSING Hours!) I will keep people updated as to any changes though! I also want to add a hit counter and guestbook feature because you can't beat the retro charm! All the updates so far are as text files, but they will be translated to HTML and uploaded as and when I get the time. To prevent people getting bored by piecemeal updates, I will be uploading them all in one go. Thank you all for bearing with me as I update the site, I promise there will be some more noteworthy updates soon. Life just got in the way.
Site update 10/09/2023. I am still working on projects in the background, mainly with building a fleet of new computers to cover the years 1994-2003. Pictures of the builds will be posted as soon as they are functional. Hard drives are an issue at the minute as period correct ones are all approaching EOL, so I am testing out various SD card to IDE and CF Card solutions. Once I find a setup that works, I will share my findings. Another issue is AT power supplies which are simply unavailable. I am designing a board to take a standard 20 or 24 way ATX power supply, and convert to either ATX with -5v and -12v, or straight AT with -5v and -12v. Gerber files will be released when they are ready! Also thinking of subscribing to get extra features because I want Neocities to succeed, it's the first time in a long time that anyone has wanted to allow the end user to express themselves online like in the old days. I 100% support their mission. Anyway, thank you for bearing with me and my site :D
Site Update 31/01/2023. I have obtained a copy of Adobe Pagemill to hopefully increase the speed at which I can upload content as the built in editor is good, but my code isn't :)